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New Student & Parent Preview Night


Welcome to CVCHS!


Get ready for an exciting journey! Open Enrollment started on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 9:00 AM. Parents and students joined us at CVCHS on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00 PM in the Large Gym to learn about our curriculum, programs, supports, activities, athletics, and more. Be sure to check out the presentation slide deck for all the details.


CVCHS Graduates Attend Top Colleges

Baylor University
Boston University
Brigham Young University, Provo
Case Western Reserve University
Cornell University
Georgia Tech
Gonzaga University
Harvard University
Indiana University
New York University
University of Oregon
Pepperdine University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Santa Clara University
Stanford University
Syracuse University
Texas A&M
The Ohio State University
Tulane University
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Merced
UC Riverside
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
University of Arizona
University of Chicago
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Georgia
University of Michigan
University of Utah
University of Washington
University of San Francisco

October 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Clayton Valley Charter High School (CVCHS)! For over a decade, we have been recognized as one of the region's top high schools, receiving national and statewide accolades for our students' achievements.

Our mission at CVCHS is to provide a positive, student-centered environment where all students are academically challenged and equipped with the skills and mindsets to graduate as successful, lifelong learners and responsible citizens in a diverse society.

Character education holds as much importance as academic preparation at CVCHS. We aim for our graduates to be ready for college or their chosen careers, while also being contributing members of society and our local community.

Each student at CVCHS receives personalized attention from dedicated teachers and counselors who know them by name and individual needs. We offer supportive programs and highly-trained teachers who make learning relevant to your child's life. In addition to robust Career & Technical Education pathways, CVCHS offers dedicated academies and a comprehensive A-G curricular structure. We also provide competitive athletic programs, co-curricular arts programs, and a wide range of club offerings. There is something for every student.

Please save the date for Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00 PM. Join us for our New Student & Parent Preview Night to learn more about everything CVCHS has to offer. We are confident that your child will feel at home at our school. Key enrollment information and more will be provided that evening. Feel free to browse our website to discover more about our exceptional, public, tuition-free charter high school.


Bill Morones
CVCHS Executive Director

2024 Preview Night Flyers

First page of the PDF file: 2024PPNFlyer-EN
New Student & Parent Preview Night Flyer - English
First page of the PDF file: 2024PPNFlyer-ES
New Student & Parent Preview Night Flyer - Spanish