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Profile of an Eagle


CVCHS has clearly outlined measures of success for all students that reflect the Charter School’s high expectations. This has manifested itself in what most schools and districts refer to as a graduate profile. At CVCHS this is referred to as the Profile of an Eagle.

In order to manifest the CVCHS mission, as an individual student, CVCHS graduates will have achieved the following upon graduating from CVCHS:

  • be eligible to attend a four-year public university in California
  • read at a college level*
  • write at a college level
  • demonstrate college level quantitative reasoning*
  • be deemed “Prepared” on California’s College/Career Indicator
  • have attempted completion of college credit
  • completed a sequence of elective courses
  • engaged in work-based learning
  • participated in at least two college visits
  • completed community service
  • participated in at least two extra-curricular activities
  • created a plan for post-high school education and life
  • demonstrated exemplary attendance
  • demonstrated college level communication skills
  • demonstrated digital citizenship
  • demonstrated personal fitness

* These three elements of the Profile of an Eagle represent raw academic achievement and can be measured in multiple ways. In addition to standard achievement levels (e.g. meet or exceed the standards on CAASPP), CVCHS will also look for sufficient growth in achievement over a student’s time at CVCHS to determine if they have met these criteria.