Medical Academy
The Medical Academy (MA) is a Project Lead The Way small-learning community offering students an innovative course of study comprised of integrated classes focused on biomedical innovation (BMI) for careers in the biomedical sciences.
Academy Pathways
The major goals of the MCA:
- To introduce high school students, including English language learners, under-represented minorities, and at-risk students to all aspects of the biomedical sciences field in terms of the broad spectrum of career opportunities.
- To design and implement a series of integrated courses that are experiential in nature, standards-aligned, and directly related content knowledge and skill mastery to student-centered BMS projects.
- To give third-year MCA students opportunities for job shadows in local hospitals, medical offices, or with local biomedical sciences industry partners.
- To prepare students to undertake and succeed in rigorous post-secondary health-related education pathways.
For additional information about the Medical Careers Academy, please visit the MA website.