Graduation Requirements & Grading
Graduation Requirements Aligned with A-G Standards
At CVCHS, we are dedicated to preparing our students for future success by aligning our graduation requirements with the California University System A-G standards. In order to obtain a high school diploma, students must fulfill a total of 230 credits across different subject areas.
Key Requirements:
- Credits: A minimum of 230 credits is required for graduation.
- Grade Requirement: Students must earn a grade of C or better in all required courses to meet graduation criteria.
Class of 2024 and Beyond
Grading Scale
Graduation Requirements
All courses must be passed with a “C” grade (70%) or higher to earn credits.
Subject | Courses |
History | 30 credits - Required courses include: World or AP European History, US History or US History AP, and Economics/Government or AP Economics/AP Government |
English | 40 credits - Required courses include: English 1, English 2, English 3 or AP English Language, and ERWC or AP English Literature. |
Math | 30 credits - Students must pass three years of math courses that would make them eligible to meet the "C" requirement in the A-G requirements. In addition, all students must be enrolled in a quantitative reasoning course each year they attend CVCHS* |
Science | 30 credits - Students must take Biology and either Chemistry or Physics. |
World Languages | 20 credits - Students must complete two years of the same language at CVCHS. |
Visual & Performing Arts | 10 credits |
College Prep Electives | 10 credits - This elective course must meet the "G" requirement as an A-G approved course, or must meet one of the "A-F" requirements. |
Electives** | 40 credits |
Physical Education | 20 credits |
* Current courses that meet this requirement include, but are not limited to, Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II. Quantitative reasoning courses will be defined in the CVCHS Course Catalog and the Student and Parent Handbook. Since this requirement is not currently in effect, this information will be added. Quantitative reasoning courses include courses such as mathematics, physical science, computer science, and other courses that require learning and or practicing mathematical reasoning.
** Elective courses will be in the following areas: Physical Education; A-G courses; Career Technical Education (“CTE”) courses; seminar/advisory (in development as of the writing of this petition); support and study skills courses; or courses that are required as described in a student’s IEP.
UC & CSU Requirements
a - g subject requirements | uc/csu admission requirements | cvchs a - g courses |
A. History |
2 Years Required |
CVCHS Courses: World History, AP European History, US History, AP United States History, US Government, AP Government, and Politics United States UC/CSU: Two years of history / social science, including one year of World History, Cultures or Geography; and one year of US History or one-half year of US History and one-half year of American Government/Civics. |
B. English |
4 Years Required |
CVCHS Courses: English 1, English 2, English 3, English 3 Honors, Expository Reading & Writing Course (ERWC), AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition UC/CSU: Four years of college-preparatory English that include frequent writing, from brainstorming to final paper, as well as reading of classic and modern literature. No more than one year of ESL-type courses can be used to meet this requirement. |
C. Mathematics |
3 Years Required but 4 Years Recommended |
CVCHS Courses: Algebra 1, Geometry 1, Algebra 2, Algebra 2/Trigonometry, Advanced Algebra w/Financial Applications, Statistics, AP Statistics, Pre-Calculus Honors, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Computer Science A UC/CSU: Three years including the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry. A geometry course or an integrated math course with a sufficient amount of geometry content must be completed. Approved integrated math courses may be used to fulfill part or all of this requirement, as may math courses taken in the seventh and eight grades if the high school accepts them as equivalent to its own courses. |
D. Science |
3 Years Required but 4 Years Recommended |
CVCHS Courses: At least two courses: Biology, Chemistry/Chemistry Honors, or Physics. Additional CVCHS Courses for 3rd and 4th year science: Marine Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics 1, AP Environmental Science, AP Computer Science Principles, Astronomy, Geology, Medical Career Academy PLTW Electives, Engineering Academy PLTW Electives, Sports Medicine. UC/CSU: Two years of college-preparatory science, including or integrating topics that provide fundamental knowledge in two of these three subjects: biology, chemistry, or physics. One year of approved interdisciplinary or earth and space sciences coursework can meet one year of the requirement. Computer Science, Engineering, Applied Science courses can be used in area D as an additional science (i.e., third year and beyond). |
E. LOTE (Language Other Than English) |
2 Years Required but 2 Years Recommended |
CVCHS Courses: Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, AP Spanish 4 Language and Culture, AP Spanish 5 Literature and Culture, French 1, French 2, French 3, AP French 4 Language and Culture, Honors French 5, American Sign Language 1, American Sign Language 2, American Sign Language 3. UC/CSU: Two years, or equivalent to the 2nd level of high school instruction, of the same language other than English is required. Three years/third level of high school instruction recommended. Courses should emphasize speaking and understanding, and include instruction in grammar, vocabulary, reading, composition and culture. American Sign Language and classical languages, such as Latin and Greek, are acceptable. Courses taken in the seventh and eight grades may be used to fulfill part or all of this requirement if the high school accepts them as equivalent to its own courses. |
F. VAPA (Visual & Performing Arts) |
1 Year Required |
CVCHS Courses: Advanced Animation, Advanced Drama, Advanced Game Design, AP Art 2D & Design, AP Art History, Art 1, Art 2, Art & Animation, Art Design 1, Ceramics 1, Ceramics 2, Computer Graphic Arts, Computer Programming & Video Game Design, Concert Choir, Concert Choir Advanced, Drama 1, Film Studies, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Photography, Photography Advanced, Symphonic Band, Treble Choir, Video Production, Wind Ensemble UC/CSU: One yearlong course of visual and performing arts chosen from the following disciplines: dance, music, theater, visual arts or interdisciplinary arts - or two one-semester courses from the same discipline is also acceptable. |
G. College Preparatory ElectivesAny extra A-F = G |
1 Year Required College Prep Course |
CVCHS Courses: AP Psychology, AP Microeconomics, Microeconomics, Associated Student Body Leadership, Automotive Engineering, Creative Writing, International Cuisine, Psychology, Sociology, Nutrition & Food Science, Video Gaming 2, Yearbook Additional CVCHS courses that fulfill this requirement: Any of the above A-F level courses BEYOND the initial requirement (example = 2nd year of a VAPA course or a 4th year of science). UC/CSU: One yearlong course of visual and performing arts chosen from the following disciplines: dance, music, theater, visual arts or interdisciplinary arts - or two one-semester courses from the same discipline is also acceptable. |